Preferred Vendor Listing (Hotel Conference Center)


Xian, 710061

Check-in: 1200     Check-out: 1200
Rooms: 292     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
The whole construction style of hotel belongs tolandscaping, which shows tang culture. There arebeautiful courtyard, lake and peacock in hotel. It s 5kilometers away from city center. It s a good place oftourism, holiday and recreation. There are 292 roomsin hotel, which are standard room, deluxe room andsuper suite room. There are chinese restaurant,western restaurant and japanese restaurant, whichoffer the delicious food. What s more, hotel has amultifunctional restaurant, which equipped withsimultaneous interpretation of four country slanguage, and can hold 260 seats. An internationalconference, performance and fashionable dress show canbe held in it. Besides, it s an ideal conference roomfor you. You can enjoy yourself in the tea lounge,bar, business center, gift shop and recreation center. Etc. Hotel s special construction style, beautifulscene and perfect facilities attract the guests fromhome and broad.

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service

Nearby Attractions:
BELL TOWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 MI/1.6 KM BIG WILD GOOSE PAGADA. . . . . . . .0.0 MI/0.0 KM CONVENTION CENTER. . . . . . . . . .1.0 MI/1.6 KM DA YAN TOWER. . . . . . . . . . . . 200.MI/321.KM 0 TANG PARADISE. . . . . . . . . . . .0.0 MI/0.0 KM

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