Preferred Vendor Listing (Hotel with Meeting Space)


DURBAN, 4001

Check-in: 1400     Check-out: 1100
Rooms: 17     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
Quarters on avondale offers quiet luxury in an edwardiansetting. The original edwardian era home has beenbeautifully restored to its former glory to mirror theoriginal architecture. The main building comprises areception area, a guest lounge and ensuite bedrooms on twofloors. The newly built annex is a single storey set a fewmeters from the main building and joined by coveredwalkways. All the bedrooms are beautifully furnished withperiod furniture imported from france and colorfullydecorated with quality soft finishing. The gardens areplanted with a multitude of different herb, spice andscented plants, bushes and trees. Visitors to quarters onavondale will be greeted by the many intriguing aromas ofthis unique garden. Jam restaurant is in a separatebuilding, also a restored edwardian residence. Breakfast,lunch and dinner are available to guests and visitors. Thecovered terrace is conducive to business meetings as wellas a social morning with friends.

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service Car Rent Desk

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