Preferred Vendor Listing (Casino Hotel)


169 Thuy Van Street
Vung Tau, 74000

Check-in: 1400     Check-out: 1200
Rooms: 90     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
Only 120 km away from ho chi minh city vung tau withthree sides bounded with sea 20 km is an ideal peninsularfor weekend vacation vung tau with sea mountain and forestwith man smart hands makes a natural and poetic landscapesbringing romantic moments for the best relaxation by thesea dic star is located on thuy van street dic star isfirst 4 hotel in vung tau with 88 well equipped rooms youcan see the overview of back beach with the long lines ofpopular with some steps crossing the street you can touchthe sea sand you can sea bath sun bath and relax incomfortable environment

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service

Nearby Attractions:
CAP SAINT JAQUES HOTEL . . . . . . .0.0 MI /0.0 KM PHAN THIET CITY . . . . . . . . . . 186.4 MI /300.0 KM

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