Preferred Vendor Listing (Casino Hotel)


No 2028 Shennan East Road Luoh
Shenzhen, 518007

Check-in: 1400     Check-out: 1200
Rooms: 220     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
Golden businees center hotel shenzhen is the member of hmccgold brand for china unique 4 star hotels locates in thethriving center of shenzhen. It is enjoys a geologicaladvantage for its location. 10 minutes ride to theprosperous downtown business and the luohu port. Adjacent tothe financier center of shenzhen and prime businessdistrict. It is a fantastic business hotel which providesspecialized services of different cultures. It has 220suites of different styles and cultures that will enlightenyour understanding and appreciation of different cultures. Especially ancient chinese culture and japanese culture. Itsroom types includes japanese suites. Standard suites. European suites and traditional chinese suites which willgive you a whole new different experience for differentcultures in one hotel. Epically. Our deluxe suite aredesigned in ancient chinese style in ming dynasty and qingdynasty. Which will bring you into a historical and antiqueatmosphere. Its meeting rooms with advanced technologies andequipments can hold up to 380 people at one time. Which willdefinitely facilitates your business plan and communication. It has a western restaurant which provides delicious westernfoods and various drinks. Around the hotel. Guests can findvarious local chinese food that satisfy your imagination andexpectation. Guests can enjoy various recreationalfacilities in or around the hotel like hairdressing. Clubsand shopping etc. It is your smart choice to stay at thishotel to experience high quality service which can relieveyou from exhaustion and tiredness as well as give you anopportunity to have a good taste for chinese cultures. Ourhotel guarantees our customer will have an unforgettableexperience. Which includes high quality service and stylishdecoration. Because we are the member of hmcc gold.

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service Car Rent Desk Family Rooms

Nearby Attractions:
LUOHU PORT . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 MI /7.0 KM SHENZHEN PALEONTOLOGICAL MUSEUM . . 5.0 MI /8.0 KM SHENZHEN SEA WORLD . . . . . . . . 2.5 MI /4.0 KM SPLENDID CHINA . . . . . . . . . . .3.1 MI /5.0 KM WINDOW OF THE WORLD . . . . . . . . 2.5 MI /4.0 KM

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