Preferred Vendor Listing (Waterpark Hotel)


Toronto, M4E1V6

Check-in: 4PM     Check-out: 12PM
Rooms: 59     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
E rez by vip intl s p o t l i g h t skyline 8 parkcomplimentary............ Access to full fitness facility luxury/deluxe all suite condominiums w e l c o m e skyline 8 park offers guests all the comforts of home, but with a big city feel. Located at yonge and bloor, 8 park radiates sophistication and all of the suites have been professionally decorated to offer our clients something more than a hotel. Located in trendy yorkville, 8 park brings the city to you. Furnished condominium residences. Please be sure to indicate with your reservation if parking will be required, as space is limited.

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service Car Rent Desk

Nearby Attractions:
Directions From Attraction To Hotel royal Ontario Museum ............. 2 Blocks W bata Shoe Museum ................. 6 Blocks W greek Town ....................... 2 Miles E yorkville ........................ 2 Blocks Nw eaton Center ..................... 1 Mile S cn Tower ......................... 3 Miles Sw hockey Hall Of Fame .............. 2 Miles S air Canada Center ................ 2 Miles S entertainment District ........... 2 Miles Sw armory ........................... 1.5 Miles Se toronto General Hospital ......... 1 Mile S hospital For Sick Children ....... 1 Mile S university Of Toronto ............ 5 Blocks Sw ryerson Polytechnical ............ 8 Blocks S

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