Preferred Vendor Listing (Hotel)


Lakewood, 98498

Check-in: 1600     Check-out: 1100
Rooms: 14     Suites: 0

Hotel Description:
Nestled on four acres at american lake and dotted with oldgrowth fir trees is thornewood castle. Built in 1911 bychester a. Thorne, this 27,000 square foot manor is of thegothic tudor style and is the only one of its kind on thewest coast. Built as a single family residence, thornewoodis now a gracious country inn that has been lovinglyrestored. Stephen kings rose red mini series was filmedhere, as well as the move dairy of ellen rimbauer, my lifeat rose red. We have lots of interesting stuff about themovies. Presidents william howard taft and theodoreroosevelt spent the night in our presidential suite. Roamthe grounds and lovely 1/2 acre sunken english perennialgarden, swim, fish, or boat on the beautiful american lake. Medieval stained glass window insets adorn the manor as wellas antique furniture and paintings. Whatever your choices,your stay with us will be a special memory.. Annas this room features a cherry king sizebed, jacuzzi tub and hand shower, marblefireplace, beautiful 16 century stained glasswindows, bay window with sunken garden view, andoriginal ornate wall mirror. Amenities coffeemaker free local calls hairdryer in room ironing board kitchenette modem in room microwave modem jack radio refrigerator smoke detectors cable tv vcr. Blue this room comes with a queen size bed,original private bath with a soaking tub andshower, beautiful 16 century stained glasswindows, and courtyard view. Amenities coffeemaker free local calls hairdryer in room ironing board modem in room microwave modem jack radio refrigerator smoke detectors cable tv vcr. Casa the casa blanca suite , while notvictorian in decor, is unique with its rattanfurnishings, king size mahogany bed, electricfireplace and its attached private and charmingdining/kitchen area. Located on the third floor,it has a microwave, small refrigerator and ofcourse a supply of bogart movies. View rain dropsfalling, clouds passing by, snow falling, some ofthornewood s twelve chimneys, or on a clear nightview the stars, all thru the largest sky lightavailable just outside your bedroom door at casablanca. Amenities coffeemaker fire place free local calls hairdryer in room ironing board kitchenette modem in room microwave modem jack radio refrigerator tv cable tv vcr. Chester this room comes with a queen sizebed, large private bath with a pedestal sink and alarge 6 foot bathtub and shower, large wing backchairs, beautiful 16th century stained glasswindows and a courtyard view. Amenities coffeemaker free local calls hairdryer in room ironing board modem in room microwave modem jack radio refrigerator smoke detectors cable tv vcr. Gold this suite features european antiquetwin beds, in room original antique lavatory,lovely detached private

Valet Parking Continental Breakfast Meeting Rooms
24 Hour Security Parking Garage Safe
Fitness Facility In House Dining Indoor Pool
Outdoor Pool Air Conditioning Mini Bar In Room
Room Service

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