Photo: Getty Images
At bachelorette parties, your plan is to post up by the pool with a drink in hand all weekend and probably post pics with your other one because girls just wanna have fun, right? But before you start sharing all the bachelorette party shenanigans to the rest of the world, you’ll want to read up on these need-to-know social media etiquette rules that EVERY bachelorette party attendee should follow.
1. Respect the bride’s wishes
Some may want to share every detail and hashtag the party, while others may want to keep it on the down low, notes national etiquette expert Diane Gottsman, owner of The Protocol School of Texas. “Ask the bride if there are any social media sites that are off limits, as she may or may not have a preference on where and how she wants to share.” For example, Snapchat can be a tricky one since the photo/video evidence technically disappears, meaning the bride may never actually see what you post if you don’t send them directly to her, points out international etiquette expert and founder and CEO of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide, Sharon Schweitzer. “Snapchat videos may also capture many of the moments in real-time that the bachelorette party participants may want kept privately.” If the bride (and everyone else there) isn’t worried about it though, Schweitzer suggests making a Snapchat Geotag for the occasion to celebrate and preserve memories throughout.
2. Don’t tag without permission
Don’t tag anyone in the picture without permission or post a late night snap of them that might make them, er, snap! Why? Well because what may seem like innocent fun to one person could put the other in a compromising position, explains Gottsman. “For instance, sitting in front of a grouping of 10 empty bottles may be completely innocent or send a message of overindulgence. Or, you may really like the candid shot of you by the pool but the bride has her eyes closed or is making a weird face.”
3. Do consider the wording
Think before you post, not just about the photo but the caption too, advises Gottsman. “Avoid negative comments like ‘It’s almost D-day’ or ‘There’s still time to change your mind’ and keep the tone positive and upbeat.”
4. Keep your public posts classy
Remember that the bride’s entire family and her soon-to-be-in-laws will see everything that is posted and that she’s tagged in so it’s best to err on the side of caution and post appropriate pictures of the group early in the evening, says Schweitzer. “Share the playful, late-night photos in less public ways for your bridal party to enjoy. For example, using an iCloud Photo Sharing Stream allows everyone to comment, like and save photos. Creating a Shutterfly Album or a Google Photos Album gives you a private platform as well.”
See More: No Pictures Please! How to Plan an Unplugged (Social Media-Free) Wedding
5. Avoid spamming your friends and followers
Don’t over share multiple photos or subject your entire contact list to bachelorette party spam, stresses Gottsman. “Much like flooding your feed with too many pictures of your children or favorite pet, even mutual friends may only be interested in seeing a few party posts and everything else will start to feel like spam.”
6. Remember who is on your social media list
“Your friends may think the fun and games is entertaining, but your boss or supervisor (they shouldn’t be your FB friend!) may feel your behavior is a bad reflection on their company and judgment to hire you,” warns Gottsman. Also, keep in mind that even deactivated content remains on the Facebook server, informs Schweitzer. “Recruiters and employers routinely ‘vet’ candidates by running their names through social media. In 2010, the Library of Congress started collecting Twitter posts as well.”
7. Be present
This rule is perhaps the MOST important. Social media is great at keeping us all connected, but definitely don’t let it keep you from enjoying the bachelorette party, tells Schweitzer. “Whether you’re the bride herself or a bridesmaid, don’t be on social media all night. Instead, put the phones down, make some memories and get involved in the party.”