Photo: Amy & Jordan
Without guests, a wedding is just an elopement, and from the proposal to the moments before the couple heads down the aisle, putting together a fabulous party for family and friends is pretty high on the list of priorities. So while an engaged couple spends a lot of time thinking about ways to create the best wedding ever for their guests, what can guests do to make sure they’re making the experience just as wonderful for the happy couple? Here are five tips guaranteed to make you one of the best wedding guests — before the wedding day even arrives.
RSVP On Time
Better yet, RSVP early! Make note of the RSVP deadline as soon as you open the invitation, then take a look at your calendar. Once you know whether you’ll make it (as well as any other details requested on the RSVP card), fill it out and pop it in the mail. Nothing stresses out a couple like having to track down guests weeks after the deadline. This applies even if you can’t attend — don’t assume that they’ll know your lack of RSVP means you won’t make it. Oh, and don’t forget your name!
Check Their Website
Sure, texting or emailing the bride or groom might seem faster, but if they’ve put in the time to create a website full of important information like hotel room blocks and recommended local activities, check there first before you start asking questions. Chances are everything you need to know is all in one place, and if it isn’t, let the bride know you looked but couldn’t find the information you needed. You’re probably not the only person wondering if Ubers are available in the area, so she can update the site if needed.
Pay Attention to Recommendations
Did the couple strongly recommend you stay in a certain town or mention that they’ll be providing a shuttle? Trust us, they have a good reason. Whether the venue is remote and they want you to stay as close as possible or they simply don’t have space for parking, these details all get thought about over and over throughout the planning process, so trust that the couple’s suggestions are there because it will make your experience better, too.
Share Any Dietary Restrictions
This is a good one to note when you’re mailing in that early RSVP card. If you have any serious dietary restrictions (we’re talking allergies, not “I don’t like cilantro”), add a quick note so the couple can alert their caterer in advance. It’s much easier for them to either let you know which meal option doesn’t include dairy or have the caterer prepare a plate that’s nut-free than to try to scramble to come up with an option when you’re already at your table for dinner.
Let Them Know if Things Change
Did you break up with your boyfriend, or did a big work project come up that means you can’t take time off to attend? Let the couple know ASAP if anything about your RSVP changes so they can make any changes needed to table assignments and catering counts. You aren’t required to give a detailed explanation, but don’t just not show up.