Your Weekly Love Horoscope: What Your Zodiac Sign Says About Your Relationships This Week

All work and no play makes for a boring relationship! This week you’ll have plenty of time for both though, don’t worry. We enlisted the help of Kathryn Andren “The Love Astrologer” to give you some guidance and to find out exactly what the stars have in store for you and your love life in the week ahead.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You are on fire, full speed ahead this week. Have fun as the week starts off with a New Moon in your area of Love and Romance. Radiate in the light of your playful optimism. By week’s end, the love planet Venus moves to your area of habits and details so best to wait and take care of business next weekend.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Take some quiet time this week at home with family. The New Moon lights up your area of private life so make sure to have some nurturing time just for you. Are your wedding plans meeting the needs of both your sweetheart and extended family members? Better check in. Remember, they want to share the love!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
You may be the talk of the town right now so might as well live it up, Gemini! This week’s New Moon energizes your area of communications and connections. If you’re still in the mode of party planning, speak up to let your needs be known and share your truth. Networking is your greatest ally early this week to take care of life’s little details.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Relax yourself with life’s little pleasures. Delight in a nurturing massage at the spa or indulge in a delicious dinner with your sweetheart. This week the New Moon activates your area of money and pleasure. If you’re still organizing your party plans, be careful about blowing your budget. Have fun, but make adjustments accordingly.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
It’s all about you right now. The New Moon in Leo this week energizes your area of perception and personality. Here is a good question to ask yourself: is my heart singing? This serves as a great compass to find your true north in the fray of parties and planning. Create something special for you and your sweetheart this week to rekindle romance.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
Slow down before revving up! Early this week the New Moon actives your area of dreaming and rest. Are you living your dreams and committed to making them a reality? By the end of the week, the love planet Venus moves into your sign Virgo, bringing you added energy for the rest of the month.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
Time to let it all go and lighten the load. Better plan a girls’ night out early this week just for fun or to find some support. The New Moon energizes your area of friendships this week so reach out to your special someone or a group of friends for heartfelt connection. This is also a good time for giving so extend your best and contribute to others.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Too much work and not enough play lately? The New Moon early this week serves as a reminder to keep your humor both in your personal and professional life. Announce yourself! If you’re hiding anything, this is the time for the truth to come to light. Reveal your true feelings, both to your sweetheart and the public at large.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
Hike and hit the trail or plan a romantic adventure with your special someone. A perfect time to get a fresh perspective on life and love, this week the New Moon activates your area of travel and higher learning. Refresh your optimistic outlook by busting out of your regular routine. Experience and explore something new, Sagittarius.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
This is a juicy week for you and your lover. Some of the greatest gifts of togetherness come from exploring the unknown. You can deepen your feeling of intimate connection as the New Moon energizes your intimacy area early this week. When you truly reveal yourself and keep no secrets, you and your partner have more safety in being vulnerable.

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Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
Let’s get this party started! It’s a fun loving week for you as the New Moon lights up your area of Marriage and Partnerships. Make a date with your special someone early this week. You could take time out just for fun or create a dynamic discussion for the big picture: What do we really want to create together for life and love?

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
All work and no play for you, Pisces? The New Moon early this week is a reminder for you to take care of life’s little details, energizing your area of rituals and routine. By the end of the week, the love planet Venus moves into your region of relationships, supporting your plans with your partner in the weeks ahead.

Ready for a relationship reading? Schedule a session by phone or Skype with Kathryn Andren “The Love Astrologer”. Call 808-896-3982 or visit, where you can also request The Love Astrologers free ebook, “Manifesting By The Light Of The Moon, A Journey Through The Zodiac“. Kathryn empowers others to life a life they love, using lifetime soul cycles and relationship astrology!