What's the Best Way to Get Guests to Leave When Our Wedding is Over?

You’ll never want the night to end, but unfortunately every wedding celebration much come to a close. The music has faded, lights are on, and the bartenders stopped serving half an hour ago, but there are still guests milling around. What’s the best way to get them to head toward the door? Here are a few tips from our experts.

You’d think turning up the lights and cutting the music would be enough, but after a night full of fun, your guests may not want it to end, either. If your venue has time and noise restrictions, you could face a fine if it takes too long to clear everyone out. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you, ask your band or DJ to make an announcement when their set is over, letting guests know the location of your after party if you’re having one. Ask the catering or venue staff or your wedding planner if they can slowly sweep the room to gently direct guests toward the exit.

Are you providing shuttle service, and the last shuttle is ready to go? Even if the microphones have all been unplugged, have someone announce that the very last shuttle is boarding, and that there will be no more transportation available once it leaves. That should get guests going! Make sure you’ve also made the shuttle schedule available in advance, whether it’s a note in the welcome bag or a sign on the bar, so guests have an idea of when the last shuttle will be departing.

Of course, if you’re simply ready to sit down and put your feet up, if you leave the room, guests will get the picture. Head toward the door, find a quiet spot on the front porch, or go upstairs to your hotel room. When the guests of honor are gone (even if you’re actually planning to meet up with your wedding party at the bar!), everyone else will follow.