BRIDES' 30 Day Wedding Shape-Up Challenge: Day 24, Up the Intensity of Your Shoulder and Back Workouts

Arm and Back Wedding Workout Exercise

Photo: Getty Images

This is it… The final countdown to your big day. And along with settling those last few details — figuring out where to seat your eccentric Uncle Carl, firming up the flowers — you’re likely also making one last push to make sure the body that will be wearing that gorgeous white gown looks as good as it possibly can. You and nearly every other woman with an engagement ring on her finger. In fact, research shows that an overwhelming 91 percent of brides-to-be are anxious about their weight. But from here on out, you won’t have to be!

Whether you want to drop those last few pounds or look more toned — or both — we’ve got a month’s worth of daily tips (none of which require starving yourself or working out nonstop!) that will help you feel stunning and confident when you walk down that aisle. You know where to send the thank-you card. Let’s get started!

Day 24: Dot Your I‘s And Cross Your T‘s

Up the intensity of your shoulder- and back-defining workout by adding in a few new moves.

Exercise physiologist Neal Pire, a spokesperson for the American College of Sports Medicine, recommends the following series of easy-to-do — but challenging — exercises.They’re also incredible for your posture. “And they’re an awesome way to shape up these key muscles, which are especially important if you’re going to be wearing a strapless gown,” says Pire. For more of a challenge, you can add in light dumbbells. Pull up a ball and get started!

See More: 7 Super Foods to Eat While Planning Your Wedding

I‘s, Y‘s, and T‘s: Lie face down on a large, air-filled exercise ball or ottoman (it should be directly under hips). Place palms on the floor and extend your legs wide, toes resting on the floor for balance.

From here, lift and extend arms, palms facing each other, until they’re directly over your shoulders in an “I.” Lower to the starting position, then lift back up, palms facing the floor and extend arms overhead to form a “Y.” Lower to the starting position and lift arms directly out to the sides, palms down, to form a “T.”

Do two sets of 15 reps.

Just getting started on our 30 Day Wedding Shape-Up? Kick off your journey from Day One, here.