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Traditionally speaking, the term “honeymoon” arises from the concept of the cycles of the moon, and a traditional, aphrodisiac inspired drink called mead (or honey.) With those notions combined, honeymoons began as a time to practice intimacy, seek privacy, and “get to know each other.” That said, in modern interpretations a honeymoon can mean anything from a weekend at a casino, to a three-week European adventure. Yet regardless of where you go, there are a few romantic things you must do.
Let People Know
You don’t have to stroll around flaunting your bling and wearing Mrs. labeled everything (although if you do, do it with pride!) but you’d be remiss to not at least mention it while making your hotel reservation and checking in. Most hotels and resorts have something special for newlyweds — from complimentary cocktails to room upgrades — so don’t be shy and take advantage of this special time in your life.
Limit Social Media
When the temptation hits to check your phone and social media accounts, try to show some restraint. We’re not saying you have to banish away all forms of contact, but try to use it less than you usually would. Save special moments for the two of you, and they will be even more special. (Bonus: By avoiding social media, you’ll return to tons of tagged wedding photos and comments that will extend that special newlywed time even more!)
Pack Sexy Lingerie
Being surrounded by the snow capped Rockies or warm tropical beaches might dictate what you wear during the day, pull out all the stops for a special nighttime ensemble that will work regardless of locale. Every honeymoon needs at least one sexy, special lingerie moment and regardless of style, color or cut — you will both be glad you packed it.
While many brides-to-be stick to strict nutritional, fitness or lifestyle regimens in preparation for their big day, be sure to relax and live a little (or a lot) while honeymooning. Think about what indulgence means for you as individuals, and as a couple — and then do it! Whether it’s a few cocktails and a delectable desert, a luxurious spa treatment or two, or just ditching alarms and schedules, be sure to change things up and really let it all go to enjoy yourselves as much as you can.
Catch a Sunrise and Sunset
In your daily routine, sunrises usually mean alarm clocks and sunsets mean the day went by and another is on the way &mdahs; but on vacation, they’re magical. Witnessing both may be a bit exhausting, but be sure to set aside time to share at least one together. Wake up early one morning and watch the sunrise from a special spot. (Be sure to have the coffee ready!) Or, if waking up before dawn sounds just awful to you, opt for the latter and cozy up with some wine as you watch the sun set on an amazing day spent with your new spouse.
Take Tons of Pictures
We all know a picture is worth a thousand words, but we happen to think wedding and honeymoon photos are worth even more. Be sure to snap tons of photos throughout your experience, while maintaining a balance between being present in the moment and enjoying it, and capturing it too. You’ll want to have tangible mementos of this once in a lifetime trip to share for years and generations to come, so shoot away and then create an album or memory book upon your return.
See More: 2016 BRIDES Best Honeymoons: The 10 Most Unexpectedly Romantic Cities