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Wedding planning definitely isn’t for the faint of heart! The entire process will test you in ways you never even knew possible. You’ll want to laugh, cry, scream, and jump for joy. There will be highs and lows and ups and downs — and sometimes you’ll feel like literally you’re going out of your mind. We swear it’s all worth it in the end though. To help you maintain your sanity and everyone else’s too, here are 5 times all brides should take a breather and find their zen.
1. When you’re creating the guest list
Your partner wants to invite everyone and their brother, and you want to keep it small and intimate. Meanwhile, your mother-in-law has a guest list a mile long of her own and is insisting you invite everyone on it. The truth of the matter is, no matter how you slice it, creating a guest list is one of those things that you’re probably (scratch that, definitely) going to have to revisit several times before you can really narrow it down and finalize the head count.
2. When it starts causing a rift between you and your fiancé
Wedding planning should be fun and something you and your partner both bond over. But if your partner isn’t invested However, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate when you’re fighting more than you’re having fun and the planning process is starting to negatively affect your relationship. If this happens, try planning a date night where no wedding talk is allowed. Work on nurturing your relationship instead, and remember why you’re saying, “I do” in the first place.
3. When you literally have no life outside of the wedding
Your friends have stopped calling and texting you to hang out because you’re always busy with wedding stuff on the weekends, and you have to work late on weeknights because you can’t stop Pinteresting at the office. Girl! You need to take a chill pill and step away from the planning craziness like now before you lose your job and have no one to invite to the wedding you’re obsessed with. Limit the planning to one day or afternoon a week, and get together with your besties for a girl’s night out or spa day. They miss you!
See More: How to Relax the Week of Your Wedding
4. When you’re overwhelmed by all the decisions
From what cake designer to pick to the type of flowers you want in your wedding bouquet, there are so many itty-bitty yet oh-so-important decisions to be made along the way. While we definitely don’t advocate procrastinating by any means, we do advise taking a break when you’re on the verge of a panic attack because you’re so overwhelmed by all the choices. Take a deep breath, relax for a bit and remember that it will be okay.
5. When you’re about to go bananas on a vendor
Yes, you might be pissed off and that particular vendor might completely deserve your rage. Regardless, you should always recommend allowing yourself some time to cool down and consider how you’d like to respond without letting all your emotions get in the way. You’d hate to ruin a relationship over a simple mix up or mistake that’s easily fixable.