Photo: Getty Images
What’s a surefire way to keep wedding crashers from spontaneously adding themselves to the guest list come your big day? Build a wall around your wedding venue, duh… But we don’t think that would’ve stopped Donald Trump from descending upon his country club this past weekend — in the middle of a couple’s wedding! Although it’s not the moniker he’s hoping to win this November, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump just effectively earned himself the title of bonafide wedding crasher after surprising guests at his Bedminster, New Jersey Trump National Golf Club. Umm, is he trying to making weddings great again or just wanted to hone in on the free champagne?
When guests descended upon the Trump National Golf Club, they had no idea the wedding would feature a surprise cameo by the Republican presidential nominee himself. After all, he must be busy preparing for tonight’s presidential debate, right? But it looks like the man still made time for wedding cake this weekend, according to Esquire where a guest at the aforementioned wedding told the Trump tale.
“We heard from one of the bridesmaids that Ivanka had been spotted hanging around the club earlier in the day,” said writer Colin St. John. “And then, as the dance floor filled to the sounds of a DJ and live drummer duo, two friends of mine spied a steady stream of SUVs coming up the driveway. It couldn’t be, could it?” Oh, but it was. “We dashed through a door from the main wedding hall and, boom!, I found myself in a small reading room with around six people, one of whom was Donald Trump.”
Trump had in fact stopped by the estate, crashing the couple’s wedding for selfies and snaps. As guests gathered around him, the presidential nominee offered up photo ops and then requested to meet the bride. At one point, one of his handlers asked me to go find the bride,” reported St. John. “I couldn’t locate her and, also, couldn’t figure out why he wouldn’t want a picture with the groom as well.”
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Eventually, the bride (who just might have had the most fitting wedding hashtag ever in #itsgonnabeyugheswas) was found and got to snap a pic with the Donald. “While she was taking a photo with him, she asked if she rated ‘better than a 4’ on his looks scale. He didn’t seem to hear,” noted the wedding guest.
So why the impromptu wedding crashing? Maybe the Donald heard about how President Obama accidentally crashed a couple’s country club big day while playing a round of golf? After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery…