Photo: Getty Images
Even the best-curated wedding registry results in gifts you don’t love, don’t want, or simply don’t have space for. (Hello, tiny newlywed apartments and over-zealous scanning at that registry event!) So once you’ve jotted down who sent what and thoughtfully crafted a thank you note, what should you do with those unwanted wedding gifts? Here are a few tips from our experts.
The best thing about creating a registry at a store you really like (that has a great return policy!) is that it’s relatively easy to simply bring back any items you don’t want to keep, whether they’re duplicates or you seriously over-estimated your cabinet space. Make sure everything is in its original packaging, and try to bring the shipping invoice with you when you return the items. Can’t find it? Most big box stores will be able to retrieve your registry information in their system with your names or an email address, and will be able to confirm the return that way. Keep in mind that you may get a store gift card instead of cash — but it’s a good opportunity to browse the store for something else you’d love to have!
If the item is from a store where you weren’t registered, check the box to see if it came with a gift receipt, which will enable you to return the item (again, probably for store credit) or exchange it for something else.
Is it something you can’t return, or do you have no clue where the gift was purchased? You have a few different options. The first is to tuck it away (if you have room, of course!). Sure, you may not need a crystal vase right now, but whether it’s the first time you host the whole family for Thanksgiving or when you’re a little older and your tastes have changed, a gift that’s timeless is a good one to hold on to, even if it isn’t your style at the moment. You could also try to resell the gifts online, though the hassle may not be worth it! And finally, while it’s pretty taboo, there’s always regifting. Make sure you keep track of exactly who gave you the gift in the first place, and pass it on to someone in an entirely different social circle to avoid any awkward interactions. Check out our guide to regifting to figure out the best way to regift without the regret!