BRIDES' 30 Day Wedding Shape-Up Challenge: Day 9, Snap Your Food

30 Day Wedding Workout Day 9

Photo: Getty Images

This is it… The final countdown to your big day. And along with settling those last few details — figuring out where to seat your eccentric Uncle Carl, firming up the flowers, deciding on your first dance song — you’re likely also making one last push to make sure the body that will be wearing that gorgeous white gown looks as good as it possibly can. You and nearly every other woman with an engagement ring on her finger. In fact, research shows that an overwhelming 91 percent of brides-to-be are anxious about their weight. But from here on out, you won’t have to be!

Whether you want to drop those last few pounds or look more toned — or both — we’ve got a month’s worth of daily tips (none of which require starving yourself or working out nonstop!) that will help you feel stunning and confident when you walk down that aisle. You know where to send the thank-you card. Let’s get started!

Day 9: Snap Your Food

If you struggle with keeping your diet on track (who doesn’t?), then this insanely effective trick is a must-do: Take a photo of every meal and snack you eat and send it to a supportive friend, coworker or family member. (You can offer to do the same for them.)

It’s a powerful motivational tool that Rachel Beller, R.D., of Beller Nutritional Institute, uses with her clients. “Having that accountability is like magic. I’m not kidding! It’s amazing how clients stop and think about what they’re doing. They put together a healthier plate because they know they’re going to be showing it off and getting feedback from me,” says Beller.

“I had one client who was on vacation in New Orleans and she sent me a picture of a beignet. She easily could have had three or four of them, but because she knew she had to send that photo, she just had one and really savored it.”

A study at the University of Illinois found that for women, being accountable to someone else and receiving social support is vital for weight loss success — especially during “life transitions” like getting married (ahem). Women who had a cheerleader lost far more weight and were able to keep it off compared to those who didn’t.

See More: 3 Things Your Fitness Instructor Is Secretly Thinking During Class

So, keep your smartphone handy and snap, text and succeed.