6 Wedding Photos You'll Totally Regret Not Taking

It’s true what they say: a picture really is worth a thousand words. And we’d personally hate for you to miss out on capturing a single magical moment on the biggest day of your life. So bookmark this page (or grab a pen and pencil, old school brides), and be sure to jot down these must-have image ideas to add to your wedding photo shot list.

1. The First Look
Although tradition states that a couple shouldn’t see each other until their walk down the aisle, first look photos tend to be our clients’ favorites, tells wedding planner Bianca Hall of Estera Events. Not only does it help alleviate some of the pre-ceremony jitters, but having some time alone with your fiancé before the day really gets moving is such a cherished time. Being able to get it captured on camera makes it even better!” She likes to recommend her clients to do their first look from far away. “This creates an absolutely beautiful art piece and allows the couple a little bit of privacy to experience the actual first look.”

2. One-On-One with Grandma and/or Grandpa
While grandparents are added to the photo list when it comes to group shots post-ceremony, wedding planner Marilisa Schachinger of Martel Event thinks it’s so important to take one-on-one photos with each of your grandparents. “You’ll cherish those photos as the years go on,” she notes. “Plus, they make for fabulous gifts for the matriarchs and patriarchs of your families.”

divorced family wedding photos

Photo: Getty Images

3. The Extended Family
Because how often is it that everyone has the opportunity to get together and look their best? Oh and with a professional photographer to capture it at that! Dezhda “Dee” Gaubert, owner of No Worries Event Planning, agrees. “Always be sure to get photos of family, including extended family. It’s great to memorialize who was there so for generations to come there is a record of family members throughout the years.” Not to mention, these pics make for awesome Christmas gifts for everyone.

See More: 5 Unique Photos to Take on Your Wedding Day

4. An Aerial Shot
One of the best (and super hard to get) is the aerial phto, says Regina Young, owner of Meant2Be Events. “If you’re lucky enough to have a venue that can provide an awesome perspective, whether the couple is a few stories up or the photographer, the image is always amazing.” Depending on your venue rules and budget, drones are also great for getting drop dead gorgeous aerial shots.

5. Sibling Moments
Seems obvious, but believe it or not, solo sibling shots are often forgotten in the hustle and bustle of things, points out Chancey Charm Richmond wedding planner Alana Futcher. After all, how often do you get a great pic with your brother or sister and taken by a professional? It’s a win-win! “Always get a photo with your siblings as a present to your parents (or grandparents),” she says.

6. Your Stationery Suite
According to wedding planner Leah Weinberg, owner of Color Pop Events, couples often forget to bring their save the date and invitation suite on the day of the wedding (unless the planner or photographer reminds them). This means the photographer isn’t able to get a photo of all of the paper goods laid out together, and trust us, you’ll want this! “I didn’t get a photo of my invitation suite at my wedding (this was before I became a planner myself) and I absolutely regret not having it,” tells Weinberg.