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Alyssa and Mike Angolia first met in college and fell in love. Apart from traveling, craft beer and other common interests, they also found that working out together was one of their favorite pastimes. Spending time together getting fit not only helped them get in killer shape, but brought them closer, too.
After they graduated, they did a tour of Asia for several months and then settled into jobs — first in North Carolina and then in Los Angeles. It was in L.A. that they discovered they both liked the same type of fitness classes and it was a nice change from the same-ole’ rut of the gym.
They tied the knot and then moved to New York City where they found ClassPass. Now, they go to several classes a week — from hot yoga to boxing — and they both agree it’s made their marriage much stronger. And you know, hot and sweaty.
Here’s how:
ClassPass: How do you decide what classes to take together? What are some of your favorite class types?
Alyssa: Mike is usually open to anything, so deciding on a class to take isn’t terribly difficult. We tend to favor boxing, kickboxing and bootcamps since they are a very comprehensive and competitive workout. But, since Mike has a history with Tae Kwon Do (and with that comes flexibility), he has a surprising enthusiasm for Bikram Yoga.
CP: How do you talk each other into taking new classes?
Mike: Over time we have learned a lot about what the other person likes and try to incorporate a good mix of interests into our workouts. We are always throwing out new ideas for things to try, and having Alyssa push me to step outside my comfort zone, and vice versa, keeps things interesting and motivating.
CP: How has fitness strengthened your relationship? What you have learned about one another and about your relationship?
Alyssa: It’s cliche to say that “a couple that works out together, stays together!” but it is a really great activity to do with your significant other. We both encourage each other throughout the workouts and it feels good to see how strong your partner can be! During the classes, when you just want to give up and really can’t see yourself doing one more push-up, seeing Mike struggling just as much, but knowing that we are struggling together gives me all the strength I need to bang it out. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to know that you will be seeing each other naked in the shower afterwards…
Mike: It’s taught me that there’s nothing Alyssa can’t do if she puts her mind to it, and that she looks amazing in yoga pants!
CP: Has working out together changed your perspective of one another? Is it a turn on for you?
Mike: I think that working out together has given me a deeper appreciation for Alyssa’s toughness and determination. It’s also given me an appreciation for her right hook and the knowledge that that’s something I have to watch out for!
Alyssa: It is certainly is a turn on to see him all hot and sweaty beating up a boxing bag.
CP: What advice would you give to couples who want to try to make fitness a bigger part of their relationship? What are some easy ways to get started?
Alyssa: Every couple should workout together – you’re both getting fit and exercise makes you happier in every part of your life. We started with going with the gym and then talked about different things we wanted to try together. You won’t always agree on the class, but give each other a chance. I didn’t really want to do kickboxing in the beginning, but once I compromised and gave in to one class I was hooked! Now I’m begging Mike to do more boxing classes with me!
Mike: Find what work for both of you and then use each other to keep the other person accountable. Once it’s a routine it becomes much easier to stick with it. And dudes, give yoga a shot. It’s not so bad, it’s actually pretty awesome.
See More: 25 Pieces of the Best Marriage Advice EVER (Collected Over 13 Years)
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