How to Make a Small Wedding Ceremony Feel Intimate Instead of Empty

make small wedding ceremony feel intimate

Photo: Shane Carpenter of Readyluck

Were you able to keep your guest count to a minimum? Congratulations! You’ve accomplished a wedding feat that many couples only dream of. The challenge? Making your small celebration feel intimate instead of empty. How can you make sure your ceremony is cozy and full of love? Our experts have a few ideas.

Having a smaller wedding offers a lot of flexibility, even with the challenge of making sure it doesn’t feel empty and barren. If you’re getting married in a house of worship that has pews already arranged (and permanently attached to the floor!), encourage guests to sit as close to the altar as possible. Have your ushers escort guests to closer seats, and consider using ribbon to rope off pews that are too far back so the empty space is in the back rows, while the front rows are full of the people you love.

Getting married at a venue where you’re renting chairs and arranging the space on your own? Consider a ceremony in the round. A smaller guest list will let you gather everyone in close, while curved seating will make sure everyone has a fantastic view. If the guest list is really small, you could also opt to have guests stand huddled around the two of you instead of sitting, literally surrounding you with their love and support.

See more: How Can We Make Sure the First Few Rows at the Ceremony are Saved for Family?

You should also consider the size of the space itself. If your ceremony will be outdoors, look for a nook on the property that will fit your guests, but not much more. Of course, you could also go the opposite direction and choose a dramatic, spacious location that will really set you in nature, such as an open field or a mountain top.

Having a hotel or museum wedding? Choose a smaller, cozier room that’s more tailored to your guest count, or look at ballrooms where the hotel can divide the room into smaller sections.