Ryan Reynolds Just Apologized to Blake Lively in the Sweetest Way


Photo: Getty Images

Ryan Reynolds is once again proving that he and Blake Lively are Hollywood’s biggest power couple &mash; even when he majorly screws something up. A couple of weeks ago the Deadpool star had a big ol’ slip-up when he accidentally revealed the sex of baby number two to all of his Twitter followers. At least he’s not the only one… We’re looking at you, Ashton Kutcher! In the not-so-subtle tweet, Reynold’s joked, “The mobile above my daughter’s crib is just a whole bunch of NuvaRings. So she remembers how lucky she is.” Being the super private couple that they are (come on, they have like three Instagram photos together), we could only imagine the sh*t storm of trouble he was in at home for revealing that baby James wasn’t the only little girl in the household anymore.

When we thought the actor couldn’t get in any MORE trouble as is, he confirmed our suspicions that baby number two is in fact a girl while talking to Conan O’Brien on his late-night talk show. We guess the cat’s out of the bag!? “Two [kids] under two is tough,” Reynolds explained to Conan. “Yeah, a lot of estrogen. It’s like an American Girl doll took a sh*t on my life.” Ruh-roh.

It seems that Lively was not very happy about this recent slip-up, at least according to her oh-so revealing Instagram post featuring a chocolate cookie and a glass of milk. She captioned the drool-worthy pic saying, “The ways I know that @vancityreynolds got himself into huge trouble on @teamcoco tonight: Not only did he come home with my true love, @levain_bakery cookies, but he personally toasted them for me and brought me a cup of milk WITH ICE. Literal brownie points.”

Looks like the best way to Lively’s heart is through her stomach! Can’t argue with that rationale. Now, if only we can get loose-lipped Reynolds to tell us his new daughter’s name… He may have to bring his wife 10 cookies for that mess up!

See More: Ryan Reynolds’ Shout Out to Blake Lively at the MTV Movie Awards Was Hilarious (and a Little Raunchy)