Kim Kardashian Just Released the Cutest Photo of Saint West Yet

Kim Kardashian Shares New Saint West Photo

Photo: Getty Images

Just look at those cheeks! That smile! Kim Kardashian West just gave us another glimpse of her totes adorbs son, Saint West, and we’re positively dying over his cuteness!

By now, we’ve seen a Kim Kardashian selfie from pretty much every angle one can possibly take a selfie. One coffee table book fully dedicated to the up-close and personal pics and several “break the Internet” photos later, we might be even — dare we say — a later fatigued by Kim K’s trademark portraits.

Kim Kardashian Selfie

Photo: Giphy

But despite how often the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star snaps those shots, the woman has certainly been less than generous with photos of her seven-month-old son Saint West. Now those are pics we’d never tire of seeing! And luckily for us, Kardashian just shared another rare peek at her beautiful baby’s big brown eyes and silly smile — this time in the form for a too-cute video recently posted to her Snapchat story!

Now that’s the smile who can melt the heart of even the biggest Kardashian hater! In the short and sweet video (see below) released yesterday on Kardashian’s Snapchat, Saint West can be seen grinning and giggling in his carriage, wearing white shorts, a bib, and no shoes. (Where are his Yeezys, mom?!) Looking quite look his dad, Kanye West, Saint stares into the camera with his big brown eyes and promptly turns us into a puddle of love-struck goo. How about filling your Instagram with him, Kim? This little guy is a social media star in the making! And his camera-ready smile isn’t even this little guy’s latest mega milestone.

“He said ‘dada’ today. Three times,” Kardashian gushed to E! News just last week. “I was like, ‘What?’ It was so exciting. I just really wanted him to say ‘mama’ first. But you know, he’s daddy’s boy.” Can’t wait till this one starts giving KWUTK interviews, right? Us either.

We’ve only seen a handful of other pics of the newest member of the Kardashian clan since he was first born back in December of 2015. Two months after arriving into the world, Saint made his social media debut to mark what would have been Robert Kardashian’s — Saint’s late grandfather — 72nd birthday. And just last month, Kardashian released another glimpse of those adorbs chubby cheeks, as she shared a pic of her little one on her Instagram page.

Does this mean we can expect more photos of this tiny tot sometime soon? Hopefully! That is of course if his mom doesn’t get distracted first…

Kim Kardashian Gif

Photo: Giphy

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