BRIDES' 30 Day Wedding Shape-Up Challenge: Day 28, Banish Bloat

Banish Bloat Wedding Workout Plan

Photo: Getty Images

This is it… The final countdown to your big day. And along with settling those last few details — figuring out where to seat your eccentric Uncle Carl, firming up the flowers, deciding on your first dance song — you’re likely also making one last push to make sure the body that will be wearing that gorgeous white gown looks as good as it possibly can. You and nearly every other woman with an engagement ring on her finger. In fact, research shows that an overwhelming 91 percent of brides-to-be are anxious about their weight. But from here on out, you won’t have to be!

Whether you want to drop those last few pounds or look more toned — or both — we’ve got a month’s worth of daily tips (none of which require starving yourself or working out nonstop!) that will help you feel stunning and confident when you walk down that aisle. You know where to send the thank-you card. Let’s get started!

Day 28: Banish Bloat

The foods you eat during the next three days could make the difference between feeling lean and light, or wanting to pull on two layers of Spanx.

“Eating veggies like onions, broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower — as nutritionally wonderful as they are — can cause gas. As can fizzy beverages (champagne included!),” says Vandana Sheth, R.D.N., a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And, of course, steer clear of high sodium foods, which can cause serious water retention and bloating.

See More: 8 Sneaky Ways to Debloat in Just One Day

Check food labels before you dig in, because a surprising number of items — from bottled salad dressings to pasta sauces — are super high in the stuff. One brand of Italian dressing we came across had nearly 500 milligrams of sodium per serving — equal to about three servings of salty potato chips. You don’t need to count sodium grams all day, but as a general rule, if it has more than 300 milligrams per serving, skip it.

As for what to eat? Sheth recommends fruits and veggies that have a high water content — like cucumbers, celery, grapes and watermelon — which can actually help reduce any bloat you have. Dig in!

Just getting started on our 30 Day Wedding Shape-Up? Kick off your journey from Day One, here.